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Internships at

VGrafLive internships provide students with valuable work experience and real-world knowledge in many different aspects of webcasting. VGrafLive has over 25 years experience providing structured and wide-ranging learning experiences for scores of students.


VGrafLive internships are unpaid.  However, students may earn academic credit for their work here if their learning institution allows. While students are not required to receive academic credit, VGrafLive internships may be open both to those enrolled in an academic institution or not. Academic internship positions are for varying periods, usually depending on the learning institution's schedule.  All positions offer part-time, flexible hours.

VGrafLive has internship relationships with a number of learning institutions including New York City Tech, Pratt Institute, New York University/Tisch, Parsons New School, School of Visual Arts, New York City high school's City-As-School program.


Curious?   There are VGrafLive internships in:

  • Webcast Production

  • Video Production

  • Writing / Program Development

  • Marketing and Communications

  • Administration and Operations

  • Development and Fundraising

To apply: Send your resume and cover letter to Please put INTERNSHIP in the email subject line.

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