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VGrafLive is the creation of Michael Frenchman, a former scientist/designer turned media producer/writer.  Its home is the video production studio of his New York City company Videograf, LLC of which he is President and CEO.


Michael designed and built the “More With Less” VgrafLive webcasting facility within his Videograf studio to support and bring emerging performing talent and new intelligent works in the Arts & Science to global audiences in an intimate and interactive style.


He welcomes all creative and technical talent to join this venture.

VGrafLive, Ad Hoc:, Cafe Sapiens, Synthetic Science Theatre,  AI & US, AI Flashback, Taking Sides, Taking Sides: The Casting Combat Show, Prêt à Monter, Ready to Perform and all other program names noted herein are service marks of Videograf, LLC.  Brit Bits is a service mark of Mind the Gap Theatre Co. 

© 2015 Videograf, LLC.

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