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Production Crew Membership

Crew member candidates: This unique live webcasting facility is a small multi-camera studio designed to be operated by a minimal crew of 2-4 people. Crew members will be oriented and trained for multiple roles in remote-control camera, lighting board, sound mixing setup and operation and webcast-switching.


A good UNPAID (but with small expenses stipend) ground-floor opportunity for competent, reliable interns and volunteers  possessing some video production experience.

To Application

VGrafLive, Ad Hoc:, Cafe Sapiens, Synthetic Science Theatre,  AI & US, AI Flashback, Taking Sides, Taking Sides: The Casting Combat Show, Prêt à Monter, Ready to Perform and all other program names noted herein are service marks of Videograf, LLC.  Brit Bits is a service mark of Mind the Gap Theatre Co. 

© 2015 Videograf, LLC.

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