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Coming to VGrafLive:

Ad Hoc: AI and ..., a new talk show, is set to go into pre-launch rehearsal previews in Spring of 2019.  In the style of PBS, David Frost and Jon Stewart, Ad Hoc: AI and ... will host and interview knowledgeable guests - technologists, philosophers, ethicists, neuroscientists, economists, jurists and psychologists who bring personal insights into important and interesting issues about the ways artificial intelligence will impact our world and our time.  Part of our ‘Artificial Intelligence & Us’ project, upcoming topics have a special focus on artificial Intelligence and human society.

Ad Hoc: AI and ...

The AI Update -  Regular updates, features and videos of the latest developments in AI as it impacts us TODAY.  Currently being presented on our Facebook page:

Synthetic Science Theatre Prometheus and Icarus, Doctors Faustus and Frankenstein, Rossum's Robots, Metropolis to Westworld: historical and new plays and modern media presentations with themes and characters who have and will mold our culture and thought about Synthetic Life and Artificial Intelligence.

Curated by hosts who can bridge the intellectual gaps with new perspective. All focused on ‘Artificial Intelligence & Us’.

Café Sapiens - now in development for mid-2018, a monthly audience-interactive science salon in a unique social setting where researchers present their work informally and answer engaging questions posed online by webcast audiences - accessible to the intelligent and curious viewer - like you.  

Pour an espresso or glass of wine and join a party for your mind.

VGrafLive, Ad Hoc:, Cafe Sapiens, Synthetic Science Theatre,  AI & US, AI Flashback, Taking Sides, Taking Sides: The Casting Combat Show, Prêt à Monter, Ready to Perform and all other program names noted herein are service marks of Videograf, LLC.  Brit Bits is a service mark of Mind the Gap Theatre Co. 

© 2015 Videograf, LLC.

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