The Taking Sides: The Casting Combat Show live show begans webcasting each Monday at 7:30 PM ET (NYC time) on January 25th 2016.
You can Watch a REPLAY of each show in our PAST . In the near future, you'll be able to access the Taking Sides archive of past shows.
Sign In at the right any time after about 7:15 PM to watch Taking Sides Live on the Taking Sides video page where you can vote for the best performance.
About Voting for the best performance: Use the ballot below the videoscreen after the actors have performed their sides. Only one vote per email and IP address.
Taking Sides Viewer Sign In Information
DONATE! VGraflive supports the arts and artists. Taking Sides costs $300 per show out of our pocket. While you're waiting for the show to start, please make a donation ($2 min.) to help support us.
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