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They Act.  You Vote.  Everybody Wins!

Taking Sides: the casting combat show is VGrafLive's weekly live webcast that pits three actors in competition for “The Big Role” as each delivers their best rendition of the same assigned “side” (a monologue) - often with a challenging twist - from a noteworthy play. 


You the audience - online and  friends and theatre professionals in VGrafLive's Chelsea NY studio– then vote for your favorite performance. Winners advance to the monthly “Callback Battle”. Only one actor will stand victorious!  There are rewards and prizes for all actor-contestants and winners.  Some of these actors will go on to other VgrafLive productions and, with this exposure, boost  their careers


In the online webcast viewing audience, you'll actually become part of the exciting audition process - like being a casting director.  You'll also get to download some of the world's greatest plays and synopses for free before each show so you can really follow along.  Be sure to register as a VGrafLive Webcast Viewer to get notifications.


We are now accepting applications from Actors for the series.   This is a real opportunity for career growth.  Apply now!

Launched on January 25, 2016 as a MONDAY night weekly show, this unique and intelligent program was the first-ever theatrical reality competition program live and online. 

For the Taking Side's 2016 Premiere, we were pleased to provide complimentary viewings to registered viewers for the  first two cycles of three regular rounds and the Callback Battle round.

VGrafLive, Ad Hoc:, Cafe Sapiens, Synthetic Science Theatre,  AI & US, AI Flashback, Taking Sides, Taking Sides: The Casting Combat Show, Prêt à Monter, Ready to Perform and all other program names noted herein are service marks of Videograf, LLC.  Brit Bits is a service mark of Mind the Gap Theatre Co. 

© 2015 Videograf, LLC.

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